
Cannabis Cream, effects of cannabidiol or “CBD” Compounds; Hemp Seed Hexane Extract; Cannabis-Induced Inflammatory Compounds; CBD creams

CBD Oil: The New Jump Start?

I used to think the only cure for my 99 problems was a margarita, but CBD oil has solved 88 without the hangover. It’s a popular T-shirt phrase trending online, raising the question of how to get the benefits of a “buzz” without the side effects.

Cannabis and Yoga, namastay, zen strain, cannabis consumption, cannabis-infused yoga

Namastay High: Cannabis and Yoga

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. – Picture this: you’re chilling on your yoga mat, rocking your comfiest leggings, surrounded by the soothing scent of cannabis wafting through the air. It’s like peanut butter and jelly – two amazing things that create pure magic when brought together.

Medical Weed, medical cannabis, medical weed dispensary, Texas State Representative

Texas Moves Further on Medical Weed

AUSTIN, Texas – State lawmakers have taken a significant step towards expanding access to medical cannabis and broadening the legalization of medicinal weed, with legislation that would allow doctors to prescribe medical cannabis with higher THC levels than currently legal.

Delta 8 Dosage, Cons of Delta 8, pros and cons of Delta 8, strictly delta

Delta 8 Dosage: A Look at the Marijuana Alternative

FRANKFORT, Ky.- Although it is illegal to sell marijuana in Kentucky, a different chemical that works like marijuana is available in stores around the state. It’s called “Delta 8” THC. This fastest-growing product in the hemp sector, strictly Delta 8, contains more than 100 different cannabinoids.