How Weed Can Buff You As A Stoner Gamer

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stoner gamer, weed and video games, stoner games, video games and weed

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. – Which are you the most addicted to? Weed or video games? Are you a gamer? Stoner? Or, better yet, a stoner gamer? The development of weed consumer categories has allowed marketers to build occasion-based marketing tactics for weed and video games

Occasion-based marketing is about when and where customers utilize things like stoner games. By aligning messaging with what present and potential customers are doing while utilizing certain items, this technique can assist brands in developing strong customer relationships.

Video games provide one of the most intriguing prospects for event-based marketing. Weed use before or while playing video games surged 86% from the first to third quarters of 2020. According to studies in the third quarter, 54% of customers consumed cannabis on this occasion and have dubbed them “CannaGamers.”

On the other hand, the finest weed video games let people plunge headfirst into a universe while reveling in the empowering sensation of total control. Now, what exactly is so amazing about video games and weed? And how can a stoner gamer ensure he will receive the maximum pleasure out of both without getting sucked into a hole of inactivity?

Weed and video games have various cognitive effects on the brain, which is the first thing to understand about why they complement one another. The endocannabinoid system in the body is affected by weed-active components, such as THC. Millions of minuscule receptors found in the brain and nervous system work to control several critical processes. The effects of weed also improve an individual’s sense of time, imagination, and memory. People say they can appreciate activities that require mental engagement if they combine these with weed’s propensity to make them feel good. Weed impacts mental health goal while engaged in an online gaming activities.

Studies show that weed is the only substance, according to many gamers, that may help them focus while enjoying the game they are playing. So, playing video games while remaining composed and rational can significantly improve their performance. Weed might be the solution to rapidly increasing their gaming abilities. It’s a joint decision indeed! Video games and weed makes for a stoner gamer combination.


Here’s More Information on the Topic:

Weed and gaming are a perfect match, but are there hidden benefits? 

The Rise of the CannaGamers 

Video Games and Weed: A Cannabis Pairing Guide to Enhance your Gaming Experience