COLUMBUS, Ohio (420CanNews) — Curious about the future of recreational marijuana in Ohio? Get the bongs ready because the tides favor Ohio smokers, as Rep. Casey Weinstein leads his colleagues toward greener pastures. With almost half of the United States having already legalized cannabis for adult use, Ohio’s State Representative believes it’s high time for Ohio to step up and join the cannabis revolution sweeping the nation.
What’s The Deal With House Bill 168?
Also known as the Ohio Adult-Use Act, this House Bill aims to allow the fair and regulated possession, purchase, and cultivation of recreational marijuana for adults. If passed, Ohio locals could possess up to 50 grams of marijuana and 8 grams of marijuana concentrate. The good news for local growers is they can cultivate up to six cannabis plants and grow three plants into maturity at home.
Moreover, cannabis enthusiasts with past convictions are in for another wave of good news thanks to Rep. Casey Weinstein and his fired-up advocacy for a greener Ohio. Under this law, minor marijuana offenses up to 5 ounces would be automatically removed from their record.
This bill has a fighting chance, offering a win-win situation for even non-marijuana users. With a 10% sales tax on all the best cannabis products, the accumulated revenue would go to worthy causes such as public education, anti-drug trafficking expenses, and the state’s general fund.
With the provisions related to charging minor offenses, the Bill also provides an opportunity to relieve some of the burden on local enforcement and the judicial system. Naturally, this would mean that these institutions could focus on more severe and detrimental offenders that pose genuine threats to the community.
This progressive bill also allows the program to expand and create a “fully robust market,” according to Rep. Casey Weinstein. The Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program would be replaced by a new Division of Marijuana Control (DMC) overseeing medical and recreational marijuana use.
Ohio’s Second Hail Mary (Jane)
If all else fails, a second initiative shows real potential: the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol is proposing a ballot initiative for voting this November. The ballot would give Ohio residents more leeway: 70 grams of cannabis versus the 50 grams proposed by the House Bill, 15 grams of extract.
With a reported $1.64 million in donations, this grassroots-led movement has collected over 222,000 signatures, allowing them to qualify for the ballot during the upcoming November election. The overwhelming support for the initiative proves one thing: Ohioans are ready for a new era of legal and regulated recreational bud.
— Story Filed By 420CanNews Staff
Here’s More Information on the Topic:
Bipartisan Marijuana Bill Proposed in Ohio Assembly
Bipartisan Bill Would Legalize Marijuana in Ohio
How Marijuana Could Become Legal in Ohio in 2023