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The Truth Behind Mangoes and Cannabinoids

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Mangoes and Cannabinoids

Is there more to mangoes than meets the eye when paired with cannabis? This intriguing question has piqued the curiosity of cannabis enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike. Cannabinoids, the chemical compounds found in cannabis, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), are renowned for their diverse effects on the human body. 

This article will unravel the mystery surrounding the terpene called myrcene in mangoes and the cannabinoids in cannabis, and uncover what this unique combination could mean for both recreational users and those seeking therapeutic benefits.

Key Takeaways

Mango-Cannabis ConnectionMangoes contain myrcene, a terpene also found in cannabis, believed to enhance the effects of cannabinoids.
Myrcene’s RoleMyrcene is known for its analgesic, muscle relaxant, and sedative effects, potentially influencing the cannabis experience.
Effectiveness of Mangoes in Intensifying HighScientific evidence is inconclusive, but anecdotal reports suggest mangoes may enhance the cannabis high for some users.
Consumption RecommendationsEating mangoes 45 minutes to two hours before cannabis use is suggested for possible enhanced effects, depending on individual metabolism.
Health Benefits of MangoesMangoes offer benefits like improved digestion, vision enhancement, and stabilization of blood sugar levels.
Cannabis Strains High in MyrceneStrains like Mango Kush, Somango XL, and Tropimango are known for higher myrcene content.

Do Mangoes Contain Cannabinoids?

Contrary to popular belief, mangoes do not contain psychoactive cannabinoids like THC. However, Mangoes boast a significant presence of myrcene, a terpene shared with cannabis. Myrcene is known for its earthy, fruity aroma and is a common terpene in many cannabis strains.

Myrcene’s Role

Research suggests that myrcene has analgesic, muscle relaxant, and sedative effects. It’s believed that myrcene may enhance the effects of cannabinoids, contributing to the overall experience of cannabis consumption.

Scientific Evidence

While the theory of myrcene aiding in THC absorption across the blood-brain barrier is intriguing, current scientific literature indicates a lack of concrete evidence supporting this claim. Studies have yet to conclusively prove a direct correlation between mango consumption and intensified cannabis highs.

Can Mangoes Intensify Your High?

Anecdotal Evidence

Cannabis users often share personal accounts of mangoes impacting their cannabis experience. While these stories provide a basis for exploration, they do not substitute scientific evidence.

Dosage and Timing

The timing of mango consumption in relation to cannabis use is crucial. It’s suggested to consume mangoes anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours before cannabis, depending on one’s metabolic rate. This allows time for the body to metabolize the myrcene in mangoes.


It’s important to note that individuals may experience varying effects. Factors like body chemistry, cannabis strain, and mango ripeness can all influence the outcome.

Benefits of Mangoes

Nutritional Value

Mangoes are a powerhouse of nutrients, rich in vitamins A, C, and E, along with antioxidants and fiber. These components contribute to their overall health benefits.

Potential Health Benefits

Beyond their rumored impact on cannabis, mangoes offer various health advantages:

  • Improved Digestion: The enzymes in mangoes aid in breaking down proteins, enhancing digestive health.
  • Boosted Immunity: High vitamin C content supports immune system functioning.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Compounds in mangoes can help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Vision Enhancement: Vitamin A in mangoes is crucial for eye health.

Blood Sugar Stabilization: Mangoes can aid in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, especially beneficial for diabetic individuals.

Mango-Flavored Cannabis Strains

The world of cannabis has plenty of strains that inherently carry the essence of mangoes, thanks to their high myrcene content. These strains not only offer the signature mango aroma and flavor but also potentially embody the relaxing and sedative effects attributed to myrcene.

Some notable strains include:

  • Mango Kush: This strain combines the mango aroma with the potent effects of Kush, offering a relaxing and euphoric experience.
  • Somango XL: A cross between Somango and Critical 47, known for its intense mango flavor and high yields.
  • Tropimango: Specially bred for its high myrcene content, Tropimango provides a soothing and medicinal effect, perfect for unwinding.
  • Mango Haze: A sativa-dominant strain, Mango Haze offers a sweet mango flavor with a cerebral and uplifting high.

Mango Auto: An autoflowering variety, it’s a fast and easy way to grow cannabis with a distinct mango flavor.

The Role of Terpenes in Cannabis

Terpenes are aromatic compounds that give cannabis its distinctive smells and flavors, and they play a crucial role in the effects of different strains.

Common Terpenes and Their Effects

Apart from myrcene, cannabis contains over 200 different terpenes, each contributing to the plant’s complex profile.

Other common terpenes include:

  • Limonene: Known for its citrusy aroma, limonene has mood-enhancing and stress-relieving properties.
  • Linalool: Commonly found in lavender, linalool offers calming and anti-anxiety effects.
  • Caryophyllene: This spicy terpene has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • Pinene: With its fresh pine scent, pinene is known for its bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects.

Understanding these terpenes can help cannabis users choose strains that best suit their desired experiences.

Using Mangoes to Enhance Your Smoke Session

Given the potential synergies between mangoes and cannabis, integrating mangoes into your cannabis routine could be a delightful experiment. However, it’s important to approach this with a sense of curiosity and mindfulness.

Practical Tips:

  • Timing: Consume a ripe mango about 45 minutes to two hours before using cannabis, depending on your metabolism.
  • Freshness Matters: Always go for fresh mangoes, as they are likely to have higher myrcene content compared to older ones.

Myrcene’s Health Benefits

Myrcene itself offers various health benefits, such as pain relief, anti-inflammatory properties, and potential aid in sleep disorders.


While the scientific community continues to explore the exact nature of the interaction between mangoes and cannabis, the anecdotal evidence and the shared presence of myrcene in both offer a compelling area for further exploration.
At 420CanNews, we are committed to providing our readers with accurate, engaging, and in-depth content on all aspects of cannabis. Stay tuned for more updates and explorations into the dynamic world of cannabis and its many intriguing facets.


Can eating mangoes intensify the effects of cannabis?

While scientific evidence is inconclusive, anecdotal reports suggest that mangoes, which contain the terpene myrcene, may enhance the effects of cannabis for some users. Myrcene is believed to potentially increase the absorption of THC, leading to a more intense high.

How does myrcene in mangoes affect the cannabis experience?

Myrcene, a terpene found in mangoes and many cannabis strains, is known for its analgesic, muscle relaxant, and sedative properties. It may contribute to the overall sensation of relaxation and sedation when consuming cannabis.

What is the best time to eat a mango to potentially enhance a cannabis high?

To potentially enhance a cannabis high, it is recommended to consume a ripe mango about 45 minutes to two hours before using cannabis. This timing allows the body to metabolize the myrcene in mangoes.

Are there any specific cannabis strains known for their high myrcene content?

Yes, several cannabis strains are known for their high myrcene content, including Mango Kush, Somango XL, Tropimango, Mango Haze, and Mango Auto. These strains often exhibit a mango-like aroma and flavor.

What are the health benefits of mangoes?

Mangoes offer various health benefits, including improved digestion, boosted immunity, anti-inflammatory properties, enhanced vision, and stabilization of blood sugar levels. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Do all mangoes contain myrcene?

Most mangoes contain myrcene, but the concentration can vary among different cultivars. Ripe mangoes are more likely to have a higher concentration of myrcene.

Can other foods enhance the effects of marijuana?

Yes, other foods containing terpenes that interact with the endocannabinoid system, such as cloves, truffles, carrots, and brassicas, may also influence the cannabis experience, though they are unlikely to significantly increase the high.

Can mangoes be used to treat medical conditions on their own?

While mangoes have various health benefits, they should not be solely relied upon to treat medical conditions. Myrcene in mangoes may enhance relief in conditions like chronic pain, diabetes, and sleep problems, but medical consultation is advised for treatment.

What other terpenes are found in marijuana besides myrcene?

Marijuana contains over 200 different terpenes, including limonene (citrusy aroma), linalool (calming), caryophyllene (pain relief), pinene (bronchodilator), and many others, each contributing to the plant’s complex aroma, flavor, and effects.