Michigan House Speaker Rick Johnson Caught In High Stakes

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Michigan house speaker rick johnson, Michigan cannabis regulatory agency, new cannabis ventures, Michigan marijuana tax revenue

LANSING, Mich.. (420CanNews) Former Michigan House Speaker Rick Johnson faces up to 10 years behind bars after pleading guilty to “accepting bribes” (because who doesn’t love a little extra income?) as he led a state board with the “power” (more like manipulation) to decide which businesses got into the “burgeoning” (more like shady) medical marijuana market first. 

During his tenure as board chairman from May 2017 to April 2019, Michigan House Speaker Rick Johnson received over $110,200 in cash payments and benefits from businesses seeking medical marijuana licenses and their lobbyists. 

The scandal has shed light on concerns about the influence of money and lobbyists in policy decisions in Michigan’s political landscape. The case highlights the need for transparency and accountability in public offices, particularly regarding critical issues like marijuana regulation.

Despite the bribery scandal of the  Michigan House Speaker,  marijuana sales skyrocketed to an all-time high of nearly $261 million in June. Adult-use cannabis or recreational marijuana dominated the market, accounting for the majority at $254 million, while medical marijuana contributed $6.6 million in sales, as reported by Marijuana Moment. Flowers, vape cartridges, and infused edibles emerged as the most sought-after products, according to the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency. 

Despite the flourishing cannabis community and new cannabis ventures in the state, it faces numerous challenges due to federal prohibition. One such challenge is the limited access to traditional financial services for marijuana-related business, which makes it a cash-intensive sector vulnerable to criminal activities. 

Given the current landscape, the federal government must address these issues and provide legitimate businesses with a safer environment. Implementation of cannabis banking reform and SAFE banking act should be a priority for Congress, especially considering the positive impact of Michigan tax revenue of cannabis industries on localities, public schools, and transportation funds. 

— Story Filed By 420CanNews Staff


Here’s More Information on the Topic:

Rick Johnson, Ex-michigan House Speaker, Faces up to a Decade in Prison for Taking Bribes

Michigan Marijuana Sales Hit Record High of $261 Million in June, State Data Shows

Former MI House Speaker Rick Johnson Pleads Guilty to Bribery